GDS to MTS Promotion Exam

By -


  • The Postmaster General , Sikkim State , Gangtok-737103
  • The Postmaster General , A & N Island , Post Blair-744401
  • The Director , Kolkata GPO , Kolkata-700001
  • The Sr. Manager , MMS Kolkata , Kolkata-700015
  • The A.D.P.S (Staff , E & PN ) , CO , Kolkata - 700012
  • The All SSPOs/SPOs
  • The All SSRM/SRM
  • The Sr. Postmaster , Alipore HO , Kolkata-700027 .
  • The Sr. Postmaster , Barabazar HO , Kolkata-700007 .
  • The Superintendent ,Foreign Post / CSD Kolkata/PSD Kolkata / PSD Siliguri
  • The Manager , RLO , Kolkata - 700001
No.: Rectt/R-46/2018 Dated at Kolkata-I2, the 21-08-2018
Subject Notification in connection with holding of Competitive Examination for filling up the vacancies of Multi-Tasking staff cadre for the vacancies of the year 2018 as per MTS Recruitment Rules 2015 -Reg
This is regarding notification in connection with holding of Competitive Examination for filling up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff for the vacancies of the year 2018 (25% vacancies by direct recruitment on the basis of competitive Examination restricted to the GDS of the Division/unit) as per instructions contained in Postal Directorate's letters No. 37-33/2009-SPB-I dated 5-6-2015 & 31-07-2015.
The examination is scheduled to be held on 30-09-2018 . 1. Conduct of examination:
  • For direct recruitment in Multi Tasking Staff Cadre, an examination will be held as per Department of Posts, MTS, Recruitment Rules, 2015 to fill up 25% of the vacancies on the basis of competitive Examination limited to the Gramin Dak Sewaks of the Division or Unit.
  • There will be no exam for filling up 25% quota of vacancies for deputation to APS as per Directorate's instruction .
  • As per instructions in the Dte. letter No. 37-33/2009-SPB-I dated 31-07-2015 eligible GDSs may apply for filling up 25% quota of MTS vacancies in Division/Unit . The vacancies will be filled from GDS ranked higher in the merit list to the extent of vacancies .
  1. Vacancies for holding the exam for "GDS to MTS Promotion":
The Examination for filling up the 25% vacancies for the year 2018 of Multi Tasking Staff will be conducted, which is communicated to all the Divisions / Units vide this office letter no. Rectt / R-46/2018 dated 14-08-2018. The Head of the Divisions/ Units are requested to submit the community wise break up of the vacancies of MTS cadre communicated in this office letter dated 14-08-2018 referred to above, to this office immediately.
  1. Eligibility Criteria:
The age limit for the GDS candidates shall be 50 years as on the 1 day of April of the year of the vacancy, in this case, 01.04.2018 (relaxable for SC/ST candidates up to 5 years and OBC candidates up to 3 years).
The age concession for SC/ST/OBC candidates is applicable only against respective reserved quota of vacancies.
The GDS candidates who joined in the service on or after 01-04-2018 would not be permitted to appear in the MTS Recruitment Examination 2018.
  1. Pattern & Syllabus for the examination:
In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate letter No. 45- 14/2012-SPB-I dated 17-01-2014, the revised pattern and syllabus for the examination is furnished below:

  1. Candidates shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test covering the following
Total Marks-100
Part Syllabus
A- General Knowledge (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Topics : Indian Geography, Indian Culture, Civics, Indian
Economy, General Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & Analytical ability of 10th standard.
B- Mathematics (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Topics : Percentages, Ratio & proportion, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Average, Discount, Time & work and Time & Distance.
C(i) — English ( 25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Topics : Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs,
synonyms & antonyms and vocabulary.
C(ii) — Regional Language (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Topics (for Hindi) : Alankar, Muhavare & Lokoktiyan, Ashudh Vakya Shodhan and questions from Apathit Gadyansh.
These topics shall be replicated in Regional Languages.
II. DURATION OF EXAMINATION: 120 minutes. III. One blank page will be kept at the end of Question Paper Booklet for rough work by the candidate
In accordance with Dte. Letter No. 45-14(i)/2012-SPB-I dated 31-07-2012 for Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) the terms and conditions regarding qualifying marks is
furnished below :-
  1. Parts A and B - Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each part.
  2. Parts C (Two segments)- Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each segment.
  3. 40% marks for OC, 33% marks for SC/ST and 37% marks for OBC
candidates in aggregate.
  1. Venue of Examination:
The examination will be held at Kolkata centre (for candidates of Kolkata Region, M & BD Region, South Bengal Region , HQ Jurisdiction except A&N Islands), Siliguri centre (for candidates of North Bengal Region ) , Port Blair Centre ( for A&N Islands ) & Gangtok ( for Sikkim State ) .
  1. Application Form:
The format of Application Form is shown in Annexure I. The applicant should paste a passport size photograph on the application form duly signed by the applicant. A similar passport size photograph is to be enclosed with the application form by the applicant to be attested by the competent authority of the concerned Division / Unit and paste on the Hall Permit. The Roll No.(8 digit) of the candidate will be allotted by the Division/ Unit in the Anexure-II and forwarded to this office. Hall Permits will be issued by the Divisional Heads/ Unit Heads on ascertaining the venue of the Examination from concerned supervising officer / Circle Office.
  1. Examination Fee:
The applicants have to pay an examination fee of Rs. 5/- and should enclose the receipt along with the application. All female candidates and candidates belonging to SC / ST / PH categories are exempted from payment of fee.
    1. Schedule for the Examination:
    The last date for submission of applications by the candidates to the concerned Divisional Heads / Unit Heads is 07-09-2018 . The Divisional Heads / Unit Heads will scrutinize the applications with reference to the eligibility criteria and forward the list of permitted candidates in duplicate to the Circle Office on or before 11-09-2018 in the enclosed proforma in Annexure II (Excel Format) positively in both offline and online (Email ID :- adrectteowb450 a ). Applications received from the candidates need not be sent to this office. However, in case of any dispute in permitting any candidate to appear in the examination, the same will be settled at the Regional level by the concerned Division / Unit. The Divisional Heads / Unit Heads will issue the hall permits to the permitted candidates from 14-09-2018 onwards after ascertaining the venue of the Examination from the supervising officer. The
    1. Divisional Heads / Unit Heads will forward the list of candidates with Roll No.with 8 (eight) digit , attendance sheet in duplicate and result sheet in duplicate to the supervising officer on or before 18-09-2018 .
      The schedule of activity as furnished below may be strictly adhered to.
      Schedule of activity Multi Tasking Staff Examination
      Issue of notification 21-08-2018
      Last date for receipt of applications at Division/Unit from the candidate 07-09-2018
      Last date for sending copy of permitted list of candidates to Circle Office by the Division/Unit 11-09-2018
      Issue of Admit cards/Hall Permit (8 digit Roll no) to permitted candidates by the Division/Unit 14-09-2018
      Date for communication of list of candidates with roll number to the Supervising Officer by the Division/Unit 18-09-2018
      Date of Examination. 30-09-2018
      Timings of examination 02.00 PM to 04.00 PM
      1. In the Annexure-II definite remark is required whether the candidate is
        Recommended or Not Recommended. The Annexure-H must be signed by the Divisional / Unit Heads. In cases of non — recommendation, the relevant Rulings and Orders in the matter may kindly be gone through carefully. Candidates against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated and / or punishment is current, should not be recommended.
  1. It is also specifically mentioned that the responsibility will lie on the Head of the
    Division / Unit in case of any discrepancy noticed after publication of the result of the examination in the applications of those who are not actually eligible for appearing in the examination but has been permitted as per the information furnished by the Head of the Divisions / Units. Applications not properly filled in and received after the target date will not be entertained in any circumstances.

The Head of the Division/Unit is requested to take special care in the allotment of Roll Numbers to the candidates which is consisting of eight digits (08 digits) and as per enclosed list of Block of Roll numbers for each Division/unit concerned .
  1. If there are no eligible / intending candidates in any Division / Unit , it is requested to
    submit a `NIL' report within the target date without fail.
12..            If the vacancy of MTS cadre under the category '25% vacancies for MTS in the
Division/Unit by holding competitive examination restricted to GDS' for the year 2018 of any Division / Unit is 'NIL' , no examination will be held in the concerned Division / Unit.
    1. The Postmaster General , Kolkata Region , Kolkata - 700012/ South Bengal Region , Kolkata - 700012/ North Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700012 / M&BD Region , Kolkata — 700012
    2. The Assistant Director General (DE), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001 for information.
    3. The A.D.P.S ( TO) , CO , Kolkata-700012 for information and necessary action in connection with preparation of OMR answer sheets, evaluation & generation of merit list etc.
    4. The A.D.M.(PLI) , CO , Kolkata-700012 for information with request for the service of Shri Debjeet Mukhopadhyay , attached to PLI Cell , as and when required may be spared in connection with preparation of OMR answer sheet and other relevant records / documents as required for evalution of OMR answer
    1. Notes
      Certificate of the Appointing Authority
      • Age of the candidate as on 01-04-2018..
      • Length of service of the candidates as on 01-04-2018...
      • Particulars furnished by the applicant are verified and found to be correct.
      • No punishment is current.
      • No Disciplinary / Vigilance case is pending / contemplated against the applicant.
      • The candidate is eligible in all respects.
      The applicant is recommended / not recommended for appearing in the examination.
    1. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (To be provided in Admit card/Hall Permit as well as wide circulation)
      1. Candidate is requested to appear at the exam at the Centre on the date and time specified. Candidate should reach the test centre at least 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination/Paper. Candidates are permitted to enter the examination hall up to 15 Minutes after the commencement of the examination. The duration of the Paper is 120 minutes.
      2. Candidate must bring this Admit Card in ORIGINAL duly attested at the examination centre. This Admit card will be collected by the Invigilator during the Examination and will not be returned to the Candidate should keep a photocopy of the Admit Card with him/her for convenience. Candidate will put his/her Signatures on this Admit Card in the given box ONLY in the presence of Invigilator in the examination hall.
      3. Please ensure that you bring only ball point pen of colour Black or Blue for marking the OMR Answer Sheet. Marking with "Gel" or any other type of pen is NOT allowed.
      4. Answer Sheet is of OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) type. For every question there is only one Correct Option. Darken the appropriate Circle to indicate the Correct Answer. No Change is permissible thereafter. Darkening of more than one circle for a question/answer will disqualify the answer for evaluation. Darken the appropriate circle completely. Partially darkened option circle would not be accepted. DO NOT put any stray marks anywhere on the answer sheet. Rough work may be done on the blank space in your question booklet. There is "No Negative Marking".
      5. Use of correction pen/fluid/ink eraser are strictly prohibited. If a candidate use these materials they will be liable to be disqualified in the examination.
      1. OMR answer sheet is single copy.
      2. If the computer fails to read the Roll Number due to any mistake committed by the candidate in marking the Roll Number in the OMR sheet, his/her candidature will be treated as Cancelled.
      3. Candidates are likely to undergo searching/ frisking at the entrance of the exam centre.
      4. MOBILE PHONES/SCANNING DEVICES/ANY ELECTRONIC GADGETS/ are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Candidates are not allowed to carry any papers, note books, books, calculators, etc. into the examination hall. Any candidate found using or in possession of such unauthorized material or indulging in copying or adopting unfair means will be summarily
      5. Impersonation and/or possession of any material, electronic equipment even remotely connected or adverse to proper conduct and performance of the examination may render a candidate liable to be expelled from the Examination Hall and/or cancellation of candidature apart from any other punishment/penalty that may be imposed upon the candidate. Candidate will not be allowed to leave the examination hall till the examination is over.
      6. Please read the instructions carefully on the OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate should fill up all the particulars on the OMR Answer sheet legibly, if the computer is unable to read the OMR answer sheet, the candidate may be treated as disqualified in the Examination.
      7. OMR answer sheets will not be evaluated manually, under any circumstances.
      1. MTS Vacancy 2018 (01-04-2018 to 31-12-2018)

        Name of
        SI No
        NR Balance 25% by
        GDS on
        25% from GDS on competitiv e Exam. 25% by
        of casual
        25% Direct
        Recruitment on the
        basis of competitive
        examination restricted
        to the GDS of the
        recruiting Dn. or unit
        for joining APS only as
        Sepoy /Packer
        a b c d e f g h i
        1 Kolkata GPO 11 1 10 3 3 2 2
        2 Central
        3 0 3 1 1 1 0
        3 East Kolkata 3 0 3 1 1 1 0
        4 South
        5 1 4 1 1 1 1
        5 North
        4 0 4 1 1 1 1
        6 North
        7 0 7 2 2 2 1
        7 South
        12 1 11 3 3 3 2
        8 Barasat 4 0 4 1 1 1 1
        9 Nadia North 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
        10 Nadia South 3 0 3 1 1 1 0
        11 Murshidabad 14 1 13 4 3 3 3
        12 Birbhum 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
        13 Asansol 5 1 4 1 1 1
        14 Bankura 4 0 4 1 1 1
        15 Howrah 4 0 4 1 1 1
        16 Midnapore 4 0 4 1 1 1 1-1
        17 Burdwan 6 1 5 2 1 1
        18 South Hooghly 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
19 North
1 0 1 1 0 0 0
20 Purulia 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
21 Contai 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
22 Tamluk 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
23 Sikkim State 3 0 3 1 1 1 0
24 Jalpaiguri 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
25 Darjeeling 4 0 4 1 1 1 1
26 Dinajpur 4 0 4 1 1 1 1
27 Cooch Behar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Malda Dn. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 RMS 'SG' 7 1 6 2 2 1 1
30 PSD, Siliguri 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
31 Kolkata RMS 18 1 17 5 4 4 4
32 Kolkata AP
21 1 20 5 5 5 5
33 RMS 'WB' 12 1 11 3 3 3 2
34 RMS 'H' 11 0 11 3 3 3 2
35 RMS 'SB' 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
36 Foreign Post 2 0 2 1 1 0 0
37 MMS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 A&N Island 4 0 4 1 1 1 1
39 PSD,Kolkata 6 0 6 2 2 1 1
40 RLO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 CSD, Kolkata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 196 10 186 59 51 42 34
SI No. Unit/Dn. Vacancy
Total NR Balance 25% by casual labourers on selection cum seniority 75% by direct recruitment on the basis of
a b c d e f g
1 Circle
6 0 6 1 5
2 R.O., SB
1 0 1 0 1
3 RO, NB &
0 0 0 0 0
4 0/0 the
GM (PA &
0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 0 7 1 6



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