Offline Application are invited for the post of District Programme Management Executive in Darjeeling from eligible Indian citizens residing in the district of Darjeeling(West Bengal) for the post of one number of CSC District Management Executive under District e-Governance Society (DeGS) in the district.[Memo No : 77/IT , Dated-18-12-2017, Darjeeling]
Selection is to be made as per consolidate pay and qualification as given below.
Name of the post : District Programme Management executive
Essential Qualification: Applicant must be graduate in any discipline at least CCC level proficiency in computer from NELIT or equivalent .
Experience : Minimum of 2 years experience (Preferably in IT/e Governance/ IT related project co-ordination programme management in related fields.
Desired Qualification : Candidate should be able to communicate in English and Nepali, Candidate should be the resident of Darjeeling hill region.
Desired Skill : Project Management experience in the domain of IT Project / IT infrastructure development / Software development / Hardware , Networking security management in IT projects, Experience in e-Governance related project of Organisations. Candidate should be able to travel across the district at the Gram Panchayats.
Remuneration : 20,000/- per month
Age : 24-45 as on 01/12/2017
Method of Selection : Method of selection will be intimated along with the admit card which will be sent to applicants e-mail id, so furnishing email id is most important.
Engagement will be made under project mode and on purely contractual basis and service will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project.
If the work and conduct of the incumbent concerned are found unsatisfactory , the service may be terminated before the completion of the project with one months notice. However , if the incumbent wishes to resign before completion of the engagement period , one month prior intimation will have to be given along with requisite legal action.
If any deceleration made or information furnished by the incumbent proves to be false or he/she is found to have suppressed any material information , then the incumbent shall be terminated forthwith along with requisite legal action.
Interested candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria can apply as per the application format , download from official website of Darjeeling district or cleanly type plain paper should be addressed to
District Magistrate and Chairman of DeGS Darjeeling,
Office of the District Magistrate ,
IT Section Kutchary Road,
Darjeeling, WB Pin- 734101
Application should be submitted with the following document
Incomplete application or application submitted without a proper envelop will be rejected. the name of the post for must be mentioned above the .envelope.
Application sent by post shall be submitted by speed post / Registered post only. application by hand may be submitted in the drop box kept in the SWAN PoP Room of the DM office Darjeeling on all the working days up to 4PM
Last date of submission of application is 31.01.2018; up to 4 P.M. , No application , either by speed post/ registered post or hand, will be accepted after the expiry of the submission deadline.
Download application format : click here
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Selection is to be made as per consolidate pay and qualification as given below.
Name of the post : District Programme Management executive
Essential Qualification: Applicant must be graduate in any discipline at least CCC level proficiency in computer from NELIT or equivalent .
Experience : Minimum of 2 years experience (Preferably in IT/e Governance/ IT related project co-ordination programme management in related fields.
Desired Qualification : Candidate should be able to communicate in English and Nepali, Candidate should be the resident of Darjeeling hill region.
Desired Skill : Project Management experience in the domain of IT Project / IT infrastructure development / Software development / Hardware , Networking security management in IT projects, Experience in e-Governance related project of Organisations. Candidate should be able to travel across the district at the Gram Panchayats.
Remuneration : 20,000/- per month
Age : 24-45 as on 01/12/2017
Method of Selection : Method of selection will be intimated along with the admit card which will be sent to applicants e-mail id, so furnishing email id is most important.
Engagement will be made under project mode and on purely contractual basis and service will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project.
If the work and conduct of the incumbent concerned are found unsatisfactory , the service may be terminated before the completion of the project with one months notice. However , if the incumbent wishes to resign before completion of the engagement period , one month prior intimation will have to be given along with requisite legal action.
If any deceleration made or information furnished by the incumbent proves to be false or he/she is found to have suppressed any material information , then the incumbent shall be terminated forthwith along with requisite legal action.
Interested candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria can apply as per the application format , download from official website of Darjeeling district or cleanly type plain paper should be addressed to
District Magistrate and Chairman of DeGS Darjeeling,
Office of the District Magistrate ,
IT Section Kutchary Road,
Darjeeling, WB Pin- 734101
Application should be submitted with the following document
- Voter ID
- Admit card of madhyamik.../ Birth certificate
- Class-X ,XII and Graduate mark sheet with certificate
- Prior work experience certificate
Incomplete application or application submitted without a proper envelop will be rejected. the name of the post for must be mentioned above the .envelope.
Application sent by post shall be submitted by speed post / Registered post only. application by hand may be submitted in the drop box kept in the SWAN PoP Room of the DM office Darjeeling on all the working days up to 4PM
Last date of submission of application is 31.01.2018; up to 4 P.M. , No application , either by speed post/ registered post or hand, will be accepted after the expiry of the submission deadline.
- Timely receipt of application shall be the sole responsibility form, if any discrepancy is found between the information provide in the application form and information from the photocopies /Original copies of certificates / data furnished at the time of interview , his/her candidature will be rejected.
- Once copy of recent colored photo is ti be pasted in the application form , signing across the pasted photograph is mandatory.
- The application shall have to produce all the original certificate of identity , education qualification, age, experience etc for verification as and when asked by the selection committee.
- The chairman of the DeGS has the sole right of rejecting any or all the application
Download application format : click here
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