Submited by Sanjay chhetri
Upper relling, bijanbari, darjeeling
Upper relling, bijanbari, darjeeling
Relling is a beautiful place located about 5km upward from bijanbari.The major occupation of the people of relling is farming. The major product of the place is chayote (squash) and oranges.Apart from farming there are many people under goverment employee and some are self employed owning their owm shop.A few kilometres above relling lies a place called upper relling. Similarly, like relling the major products out here is squash,potato, large cardamom,and ginger commonly called (adwa in nepali).The production of large cardamom out here is declining per year due to some diseases.So people are giving much importance to production the production of squash instead of large cardamom.Local dealers buy squashes at low price about 4 to 5 ruppes per kg. And sometimes about .50 per kg. And export the goods to sikkim and siliguri.
Upper relling is beautiful place since condition of roads is very bad in rainy seasons there becomes holes about 1 to 2 ft.Transportation out here is major problem of peoples.You can take a view of kaijalya, samalbung, lama gown, darjeeling,namchi,mim tea garden sukhia pokhari, langurdang and beautiful view of kanchangunga.
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