Somewhere deep inside ma heart

By -
‎" Somewhere deep inside ma heart,
a small pain resides,
wish I could take it out ,
and I can smile  for a while,

waiting for the day to arrive,
which is beyond horizon,
hoping for another sunrise....
it may be back before I die..

The masters of life...
forgot to drop smile..
shadow of the pain is always beside
no matter whether its before sunrise
embrace me wherever I lye ,even for a while..

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  1. nice poem hope to read more..........................

  2. @puran:Thank you Puran for your comment,its inspiration for for me..which may help me to move ahead..
    Be in touch...

  3. Lovely poem and such a beautiful photos too! I like how you have put this together, very nice indeed. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  4. @ropcorn:Thank you Ropcorn..keep on visiting

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