Lodhoma : Lodhoma is a small beautiful places in the outskirts of Darjeeling, West Bengal.Its at a distance of 16 km from Bijanbari and around 50 km from Darjeeling.Lodhoma falls under the jurisdiction of Darjeeling Pulbazar Development Block,Bijanbari Darjeeling [the biggest block of West Bengal].The area has the population of around 7000 [Population of two Gram Panchayat viz; Lodhoma-I and Lodhoma-II].It falls on the way to Rimbick which is also a beautiful tourist destination.
Rammam Hydel Project : Lodhoma has the second largest Hydel Power project named Rammam Hydel Project, Stage-Ithat produces 8.9296 MU13-1043 MU of electricity.
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